Well, I have decided that when ever something happens to you that you did not suspect and that is not particularly what you want to have happen to you, the best thing that you should do is have a good attitude. These events are what I like to call "adventures"-and not particularly in a good sense. Let me tell you about one that happened to me last friday. So, I took my friend Rachel to go see the movie
Step Up-a very cute movie by the way-and we had a great time until the movie ended and when putting the smuggled food back into my purse I realized that my keys where not there. And sure enough when we got to my car they where hanging in the ignition! So after giving myself a few minutes to freak out, Rachel and I call my roommate, Ashley, and friend Nicole to bring a hanger and then we waited for a half hour before they arrived-not that it did much good because none of us could get the door unlocked. Can I just interupt the story to say that sitting in a movie theatre parking lot and having so many people stare at is not very fun. Anyway, we had to move to plan B which was to call all the people we know who might be able to help us. Esther, another friend, ended up coming and trying to get it, but she had no success either-and she is a security gaurd! Then we thought Security gaurd-what a novel idea-but that didn't work either because the movie theatre security gaurd could not help because of "liabilities". So after many many attempts a couple of guys came up to us and offered to help because they missed their movie-we were all so desperate that we accepted. We exchanged the casual greetings and found that one of the guys knows Multnomah and goes to the Nazarene church down the road! They soon realize that my car cannot be broken into with a hanger so they drive all the way to Clacamas to get a Slim Jim set and yet, it still does not work. Finally after three hours of intense stress for myself, and may sympathetic onlookers we get in-only with the help of a cool little air tool. Lets just say that I will never again leave my keys in the car-and if I do I will definantly have back up plans in place. So if you are having a bad day just remember my little "adventure"and it will make you not fell so bad.