Thursday, February 02, 2006

alarm clocks and paper cuts

So this morning at 7:26-41 minutes after I am supposed to wake up- my roomate hits my hand and tells me that it is seven thirty! I basically jumped out of bed, ran to the shower, ran back, changed, and ran to breakfest in 15 minutes so I could eat before my 8:00 class. So that was my almost disasterous morning. Then I have been giving myself random paper cuts for the last two days now and I am really getting tired of it. It think I am up to five or six. Anyway, a word of advice, if you erase something and are trying to wipe off the erase left overs make sure to give yourself plenty of room between your finger and the edge of the paper!!!! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Boo for 8 o'clock classes! I hate them.

The Lyons said...

hey! i'm glad you got to celebrate your half birthday! thats really special - i'm glad you have found some really neat friends. i'm taking a break from the superbowl :o) and homework. i'm going to try to finally post something on my blog. love ya! be careful - you might need those fingers for this summer in the nursery :o)