Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Bees, Baseball, and the 4th of July

So today happens to be the fourth of July, our glorious nation's birthday. A time of relaxation, family, hot dogs, hamburgers, and fireworks. A day on which we celebrate our freedom, independence, and liberty. We hang the flag on our porches and we play patriotic music as we strike up the BBQ. So as I woke up this morning to my parents yelling at our dog who got loose I realized with great joy that I did not have to go to work-an added benefit to freedom and liberty. I prepared myself for the day and sat down to a nice breakfest of fruit loops and a good baseball movie. I figure there is no better way to spend the 4th than to watch a movie about America's favorite pasttime. Much too soon the credits started rolling and I was off to my next task-cleaning Henry-my cute Ford. This was not an easy task-I had to overcome many obstacles including insane bees, out of control dogs, and neighbors. But an hour later he was shining like the top of the Chrysler building! Anyway I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th and I hope that we would all take time to be thankful for the freedoms that we have.

P.S. I'm pretty sure that on the 14th of July France celebrates some sort of independence day. And no, Geron, they don't wear necklaces with symbols of their revolution, I hope!


Views from Afar said...

Sirah Bertez,
I am glad you had a good day off for the 4th, we didn't actually get to celebrate very much other then loosing in Polish and US soccer game. I miss you tons and hope you have a great week. I am pryaing for you and that you would have an amazing summer. I love you lots,

The Lyons said...

I had a fun time with ya this weekend! see ya early tomorrow!