Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Relearning the Alphabet

So today was my friend Emily's last day at the nursery (tear!). We had a good day but it was hard to say goodbye! The last couple of days have been filled with laughter(to find out more check out Emily's blog by clicking on the link that says Come Fly with Aerogirl)and today was no exception. As you can read in her blog, to pass the time we pick a theme and then use the letters of the alphabet to begin our thoughts. We have made up stories and have had some pretty interesting conversations. But today we decided that we would go through the alphabet and say what we were thankful for. This list included Amy(Emily's sister), our moms, friends, etc. Emily was the unlucky one who got stuck with the letter Q which just happens to be the hardest letter to use (you might think that X would be hard too but we allow each other to use EX for X-it's cheating, we know, but give us a break, what kind of letter is X). So after a long pause she says "Oh, yeah, God." Now earler in the day she had used the letter G in the place of Q and we had had a good laugh over it and I thought that she was just doing it to be funny, but no, she had no idea that she had made the mistake. That is until I started busting up and told her that we needed to go back to elemtery school because we both know that God starts with G and not Q. When she realized what she had said she started laughing too. It took us a good two minutes to calm back down and after a bit Emily says "OK, Quiet Time?" and I said, "Yeah, that works" and so the game went on. I would just love to get into the mind of the Hispanic woman who is working with us and see what she thought for us for those two minutes when we were laughing histerically-infact she probably thinks we are crazy because she was with us yesterday as well(refer to emily's blog). Any way I thought that I would share that funny story with all of you- may you all have a good laugh.
Em, I will miss you tomorrow and friday. Love you tons.


The Lyons said...

Ahhh. tears. I had a great time with you sarah - lots of memories. We'll have to call each other and play the alphabet game :o) Qood blog

Geron Leigh said...

feeling sad and lonely...and a bit left out...I spent the last 3 days with a paint brush :( love you guys

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sarah! I'm so glad to hear that your summer is full of laughter. :) I miss you! Tell your friend I say good luck with the alphabet thing, I'm sure that Qod will help her figure it out somehow.

I'm excited to see you back at school soon! :)