Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Officially Converted

I have officially converted Rachel. Never again will she think me crazy for randomly bursting out "I'm the king of New York" for she, too, is now a Newsies fan. One viewing was all it took and now shes hooked. And thats not all, she completely agrees with me that Davie is the best one of the lot (although she likes him for his neck, curly hair and broad sholders and I like him because, he is just Davie-need I say more). Now we get funny looks together but soon we will have our roomates converted(although that might be a tough one), then our floor, then the dorm, then school, then the WORLD! (ok so maybe not the world but wouldn't it be such a great place if that were to happen?). That is basically all I have to say.

POST SCRIPT: when you comment ask me about the excerise plan Rachel and I made up and maybe I will blog about it-its awesome.


Geron Leigh said...

Davie who? You know the movie is all about Jack.

Anonymous said...

Your hopeless, child! :)
I love you XOXOXOX

The Lyons said...

your not hopeless! i love ya too! so what is the exercise program - i need one too ;o) - now that xc is over. i'm glad you have found a good friend in rachel - you sound happy - i'm glad for that! love ya

Geron Leigh said...

I think you need to B L O G now
Love yah!