Monday, June 04, 2007

"How May I Direct Your Call?"

Thats right...I have started working at the office here at camp and I am quite enjoying myself. I have been getting into a routine of working and then coming home and relaxing but I know that that will all end very soon when camp offically starts on Sunday and I have to give up most of my free time. I am trying to get it all in before hand. Its not that big of a sacrifice because I know that this is where God wants me. So for now I am enjoying being with the fam and watching some good movies like The Queen, Pirates 3, and some oldies like The American President and Absence of Malice*. All of these films were very well made and not a waste of my time at all. I have also been enjoying The Waltons (thanks to my mom's renewed love of her old favorite show) and the first season of American Dreams which my family really like when I was in high school-even though it didn't last very long. It is the extended music edition so we have been enjoying some great music as well. Anyway just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the happenings of my life.

*Just as a side note-I love Paul Newman:)

1 comment:

The Lyons said...

I had a great time hanging out with you! have a good first week of camp! love ya