Saturday, July 07, 2007

Purple???...Heck Yes!!!!

As you can see Friday night with Emily and Geron resulted in a new hair color for me. Yes, that is correct, my hair is now purple (but it's the wash out stuff so it could be in for who knows how long.) Anyway I really like it-its totally fun!
Parents reactions:
Me: Good Morning mom!
Mom: You have red hair!!!!!!
Me: Its purple!!!
Mom: You have purple hair!!!!!!
Then after a few questions:
Mom: Go show Dad and see if he notices (he's mowing the lawn)
Me: Hi Dad!!
Dad: You colored your hair!!!!
Me: yep, Its purple!
Dad: Yes it is very purple (Big smile)
So I was expected a little bit more shock. Maybe I have underestimated how well my parents know me and my sometimes drastic need to do something random!


The Lyons said...

glad we could help you be spontaneous! love ya!

Views from Afar said...

I love it!

ashley said...

oh how i miss you... hey, wanna permanently dye it really purple? c'mon.. .it'll be fun, i promise! oh , and then we can go cliff jumping... p..p..pwease!

oh, and i really miss sleeping with you... :o)

hehe, that sounds funny!